


hemorrhagic endometritis, pathology, ovaries, oviducts, follicle


The article presents the results of studies of the morphofunctional characteristics of the reproductive system of cows with hemorrhagic endometritis. In the ovaries of cows, the number of primary follicles is reduced, but the number of atretic follicles is increased. The area of protoplasm and nuclei in the left ovary increases by 23.8% and 13.01% compared to the norm, in the right – by 63.4% and 41.4%, respectively. The functional activity of follicular epithelial cells in the left ovary decreases by 4.2%, in the right – by 14.6%. In case of hemorrhagic endometritis, the mass of the right ovary is 30.76% less, and the mass of the left ovary is within the normal range. The length of both oviducts is within the physiological norm. The width of the left and right oviducts is 39.93% and 13.89% less than normal. In general, the wall thickness of the left oviduct decreases by 13.3% compared to that in clinically healthy cows, while the right one, on the contrary, thickens by 33.6%. At the same time, there is a thickening of the mucous layer of the left oviduct by 37.6% compared to the norm.

The submucosal and muscular layers are thinner by 43.6% and 38.4%, respectively. In the right oviduct, a thickening of the submucosal layer by 55.5% was noted, and the thickness of the muscular layer was within the normal range. The area of protoplasm and nuclei of the surface epithelium in the left oviduct decreases compared to those in clinically healthy cows by 11.7% and 10.2%, in the right – by 31.3% and 45.2%, respectively. The functional activity of cells in the left oviduct increased by 7.7%, in the right – by 35.4%.


Author Biographies

  • Khassanova Madina Asylkhanovna, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University NLC

    PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of veterinary medicine, Faculty of agricultural sciences 

  • Mikniene Zoja, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

    Associate Professor, PhD 

  • Suleimanova Kulyay Urazgaliyevna, Z.Aldamzhar Kostanay Social-Technical University

    Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences 

  • Abilova Zulkyya Bakhytbekovna, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University NLC

    PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of veterinary medicine, Faculty of Agricultural sciences 

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