In the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region, potato yield is determined mainly by the level of balanced mineral nutrition (the contribution of the factor is 75.4%). Treatment of seed tubers (13.2%), planting time (5.2%) and variety selection (3.9%) have a significant impact on the tuber yield. The formation of the planned yield of 40 t/ha is ensured by planting potatoes on May 12-15 against the background of N172P242K244 using treated seed material: Rosara - 38.8 t/ha, Kuzovok - 43.2 t/ha. Tuber dressing should become an obligatory part of potato agrotechnologies in the conditions of the Southern Urals. The treatment of seed material during planting with the fungicide Maxim (0.4 l/t) suppressed the development of the causative agent of rhizoctoniosis, increased the field germination of tubers (by 1.7–3.8%), and, ultimately, the yield of potatoes (Kuzovok - by 3.3 t/ha, Rosara - by 4.1 t/ha). The optimal potato planting time (May 12-15) provides an increase in the yield of the Rosara variety - by 2.6 t/ha, Kuzovok - by 5.8 t/ha and the starch content of tubers by 1.6 and 2.0%, respectively, compared with the late landing (June 5-12).
potato, variety, planting date, nutrition level, dressing, yield, starch, nitratesAbstract
In the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region, potato yield is determined mainly by the level of balanced mineral nutrition (the contribution of the factor is 75.4%). Treatment of seed tubers (13.2%), planting time (5.2%) and variety selection (3.9%) have a significant impact on the tuber yield. The formation of the planned yield of 40 t/ha is ensured by planting potatoes on May 12-15 against the background of N172P242K244 using treated seed material: Rosara - 38.8 t/ha, Kuzovok - 43.2 t/ha. Tuber dressing should become an obligatory part of potato agrotechnologies in the conditions of the Southern Urals. The treatment of seed material during planting with the fungicide Maxim (0.4 l/t) suppressed the development of the causative agent of rhizoctoniosis, increased the field germination of tubers (by 1.7–3.8%), and, ultimately, the yield of potatoes (Kuzovok - by 3.3 t/ha, Rosara - by 4.1 t/ha). The optimal potato planting time (May 12-15) provides an increase in the yield of the Rosara variety - by 2.6 t/ha, Kuzovok - by 5.8 t/ha and the starch content of tubers by 1.6 and 2.0%, respectively, compared with the late landing (June 5-12).