Guidance for the authors

The journal's editorial team kindly requests the authors to review the guidelines (the journal's editorial policies, comprising journal overview, articles submission and review procedures, guidelines for authors, and publication ethics) and to adhere to them while preparing their submissions for the journal. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in a delay in the submitted articles publication.

Submission of an article to the editorial office implies the author's (or authors') consent to the right of the Publisher, Non-Profit Limited Company « Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University» to publish the article in the journal and to release it in any foreign language.

Articles and any other materials intended for publication in the “3i: intellect, idea, innovation” journal submitted via the website personal account should comply with the specified criteria and be formatted according to requirements mentioned herein.

Your MS Word (1997-2003) manuscripts should be submitted to our editorial office via the online article submission system. Please make sure to provide three essential documents: a cover letter and two manuscript versions. One of these versions should exclude any author information, such as full name, affiliations, or author details and the file name should match the article's title. This anonymized text is crucial for our double-blind peer review process. (For example, you can name the files as follows: 1. Ivanov_3i_veterinary; 2. Clinical, Hematological, and Immunological Results in Cows at Different Lactation Stages). Additionally, please include 3. A cover letter (a cover letter template is available in the website).

Our editorial team assesses the articles using a licensed plagiarism detection system to verify their originality percentage. Articles that fail to meet our requirements, including formatting, may be rejected without further explanations.

The terms for article publication in our journal as following:

 - An abstract and the article title should be submitted in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, and English). The language of the first abstract should match the article's language. The abstract includes the following key points: the research relevance, objective, tasks and essence, a description of the scientific and practical significance of the paper, a brief outline of the research methods and methodology, the key findings and conclusions, the research value (contribution to the respective knowledge domain), and the study's real-life impact. Please refrain from duplicating sentences from the article text, including characters, references, figures, tables, web links, and emails.

- The article content should include reviews of relevant scientific papers of domestic and foreign researchers, addressing the same issue. Both the quality and quantity of the referenced sources reflect the article's relevance. Therefore, authors are encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines:

- all references must contain bibliographic data in English; at least 20% of references must be indexed in Scopus and (or) Web of Science over the past decade (10 years);

- acceptable number of publications of the article’s authors and co-authors indicated in the reference list should not exceed 10% of the total;

- list of references must contain at least 30% of sources no older than 5 years;

  - article text should contain an introduction (which reflects the relevance, goal setting, defined tasks, the level of previous research), research methods, including results, discussion and conclusion(s);

- article size should range from 6 to 10 pages;

- payment is required ONLY AFTER the article has been accepted for publication;

-electronic scanned copies of receipts are accepted only if they have been sent to email:

Co-authorship should not exceed 4 authors.

All received articles are queued for review (on average 6-9 months).

Guidelines for the arrangement for article structural elements:

- The article shall begin with UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) and MRNTI (International Index of Scientific and Technical Information, codes positioned on the first line and left aligned.

- Every article accepted for publication will be automatically assigned a DOI.

- Prior to the article's main text, there should be a title (uppercase and semi-bold font), followed by the author's full name (full last name and initials, up to four authors), along with their academic degrees, titles, affiliations (including job titles, company/organization names, city, country), and an italicized abstract plus 5-7 keywords, all presented in three languages. In cases where the organization's address is not explicitly mentioned in its name, the city should be added. For foreign organizations, both the city and country should be specified (e.g., Far East Institute of personnel development, Federal Drug Control Service, Khabarovsk, Russia). If multiple authors contribute to the article, their details should be listed in order of their contribution.

The corresponding author is indicated with an asterisk (*), who sign up and attaches all 3 documents.

The abstract should contain around 150-250 words (must not be less than or exceed the indicated amount in any language), (italics, regular font).

- Tables and figures is positioned following their respective references in the text. Each illustration shall be accompanied by a caption. Figures are of high quality, not scanned. They are to be submitted in one of the standard formats: PS, PDF, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, BMP, PCX. Dot images shall have a resolution of 600 dpi, ensuring that all details are clearly visible.

- Formulas mentioned in the article are numbered only if they are referenced in the text.

- All abbreviations and acronyms, unless widely recognized, shall be expanded the first time they appear in the text.

- The article format is Microsoft Word 97-2003, with A4 paper size (297x210 mm) and 2 cm margins. Electronic pages are not numbered. The font is Arial, with a font size of 10 pt. The text is formatted breadthways, and there should be a 1 cm paragraph indent. Line spacing is single. The article title is centered. Automatic numbering should not be used in the article text.

- The list of references used for writing the article should be placed at the end. References should be listed in the order they are cited in the article. Reference numbers in the text are enclosed in square brackets, e.g., [1, p. 13]. The bibliography should follow the guidelines of GOST 7.1-2003 Bibliographic Record. Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Rules for Drawing up.

- References in the language of the article (except English) should be provided in Latin transliteration.

- If the article is in English, only sources in Russian and Kazakh should be specified in Latin transliteration (REFERENCES).

- If the article is in Kazakh, the reference list should be specified in Kazakh and in Latin transliteration.

Please note that when compiling the References in English, the use of GOST standards is not advisable. The signs used in the GOSTs (// – double slash, dash) are not recognized by foreign systems.

To compile the Reference, it is recommended to use a program for automatically compiling a list of references in English - Mendeley (download link: Style of references: Vancouver.

Use an online translator for transliteration at the link Transliteration standard GOST 7.79-2000.

 This online tool cannot process specific Kazakh alphabet characters. Authors shall manually correct the transliterated references following the below rules.

















For examples of design options for the References, see the Appendix below.

- information about the author(s) in Russian, Kazakh and English: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position, affiliations (place of study or candidate for a degree), contact numbers (mobile), e-mail , full postal address (region, zip code, district or city, street, building, apartment).


The royalty is paid only after the article has been accepted for publication. Authors can pay the author's fee individually or through grants, affiliated organizations, and similar sources.

Cost of one article:

  1. Foreign authors (without co-authors from the Republic of Kazakhstan) – free of charge
  2. Authors with an H-number of more than 10 – free of charge
  3. Employees of A. Baitursynuly KRU – 20000 (twenty thousand) KZT
  4. Third-party authors – 40000 (forty thousand) KZT for individuals;

                                                 – 50000 (fifty thousand) excluding VAT for legal entities

Our details:

  • Addressee: Non-Profit Limited Company «Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University»
  • Postal address: 110000, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay region, Kostanay, A. Baitursynov Str. 47, building 1

Tel/fax 8 (7142) 51-11-45

Banking details:

BIN: 200740006481

Bank CenterCredit JSC


IIC: KZ398562203108711441

Beneficiary Code: 16


  • 110000, Kostanay, A.Baitursynov Str. 47, building 1, office 213

Akhmet Baitursynuly KRU, Department of Science and Commercialization


Proceed with payment for articles using the mobile application.

You can navigate to the 'Payments' section, select the 'Education' category, and enter the name of our university. Then, in the 'FACULTY' field, indicate 'Payment for an article in the '3i' journal.' In the 'COURSE' field, indicate the journal issue number where the article will be published (e.g., '4/2022'). Indicate the author's (or authors') name(s) in the 'STUDENT'S NAME' field. Ensure that the 'STUDENT ID' field contains the payer's ID (cardholder's name used for the payment). Lastly, in the 'PAYER'S NAME' field, insert the name of the cardholder making the payment.