Follow this guidance to receive manuscript for peer review and submit the peer review reports through the website of the multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i: intellect, idea, innovation".

Having appointed the peer reviewers, the editorial team sends a letter to them requesting to review the manuscripts. In order to facilitate the work and website usage, please follow the below short instruction.

Step 1: Visit the journal's website In the upper right corner, click "Login," then select "Log in" on the login page, and enter your username and password.

Step 2: On the "Submitted Materials" page, find the assigned manuscript awaiting for your peer review. Click "View" in the "Peer review assignment" line.

Step 3: On the opened page, download the manuscript. After completing your assessment, attach the final review report document (MS Word or PDF) in the "Upload File" section.

This procedure is intended to streamline your tasks and ensure a user-friendly experience when interacting with the journal's website.

The "Comments for the Author and Editor" and "For the Editor" fields are optional.

It is mandatory to fill in the "Recommendation" field. Choose one of the following options based on your decision regarding the manuscript:

Accept the manuscript.

Revise the manuscript.

Send for peer review again.

Reject the manuscript.

Step 4: If you have finished the peer review process, click the "Submit Peer Review" button.

This concludes the peer review process. We appreciate your cooperation!