


media education, mass media, media education process, approach, innovation, innovative approach, information competence


The proposed work provides an overview of the importance of innovative approach in the development of students' information competencies in the process of media education. The research work included comparative analysis of data, systematization depending on the field of study and conclusions on the part of the authors. The article reveals the role of media education in the professional and personal development of future specialists. Nowadays need for the development of information competence in the process of media education was characterized by the importance of the ability to critically analyze and perceive seen, heard, read information, its use in professional activities. The authors consider how modern technologies and teaching methods can effectively interact with media education, contributing to the development of students' information competence. The innovative technologies applied in modern education are aimed at critical and creative thinking of future specialists, the possibility of working on group and individual projects, easy and attractive perception of the academic discipline, increasing motivation. The article systematized and analyzed the principles, law, opportunities, features and definitions according to the studies of domestic and foreign scientists who studied the theoretical and methodological foundations and development of pedagogical innovations. The definitions of key words and phrases found in the text of the article were also considered. In the process of media education, a number of recommendations were given on the topic and opportunities, the role of innovative approach in the development of information competencies of future specialists.

Author Biographies

  • Seitkazy Perizat Baiteshovna, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of рedagogy

  • Yrymbaуeva Nurgul Aldazharovna, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

    PhD student of the educational program 8D01824 - "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge" department of рedagogy

  • Ushakbayeva Kamshat Rakhymberdiyevna, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

    PhD student of the educational program 8D01824 - "Social pedagogy and self-knowledge", Department of рedagogy

  • Abdirkenova Аkbidash Kapanovna, Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University

    PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of pedagogy and psychology

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