Editorial Policy

Editorial policy of the «3i: intellect, idea, innovation» multidisciplinary scientific journal

The multidisciplinary scientific journal was established with the aim of publishing and promoting the findings of the scientific research conducted by doctoral candidates, master's students, and postgraduate degree seeker. Additionally, it serves as a platform for sharing scientific discoveries and research experiences, playing a pivotal role in disseminating scientific information, attracting new researchers. The journal sections initiate discussions on relevant issues in both theoretical and practical domains.

Objective: Disseminating scientific knowledge and research findings of scholars hailing from Kazakhstan, countries of far and near abroad, focusing on the veterinary, agriculture, and pedagogy domains.

Journal's tasks:

- Providing a dedicated space for presenting research findings within the veterinary, agriculture, and pedagogy domains.

- Upholding rigorous scientific standards by engaging prominent scholars and specialists, both domestic and international, in the peer-review process.

- Reflecting the latest methodological and theoretical advancements while enriching the veterinary, agriculture, and pedagogy domains with the new studies.

- Facilitating the integration of Kazakhstan scholars into the global scientific community.

- Developing the journal adhering to the principle of the "open access" scientific publication.

- Expanding the journal's visibility within international databases and open digital resources.

- Increasing the journal's accessibility to international readers by providing an extensive research summary in English, including keywords, and replicating the References using the Latin alphabet.

 «3i: intellect, idea, innovation» journal caters to a wide scientific audience, including university professors, graduate students, and undergraduates

Journal Sections:

 Veterinary Sciences

Agricultural Sciences

Pedagogical Sciences

The journal was established under the auspices of a university, and as such, the editorial team thereof seeks to elevate the public standing of scientific endeavors and fortify the ties between science and education. The journal publication endeavors the growth of creative partnerships between the university and other higher education institutions and scientific establishments within Kazakhstan and other world countries. The editorial team includes esteemed scholars from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Italy, Slovakia, Turkey, and other foreign nations, thus broadening the informational landscape for engagement of domestic academics.

The journal is registered with the International Center assigning the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) (UNESCO Paris, France).

Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Publication frequency: Quarterly.

Publication Prerequisites: All manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo a thorough review process, which includes a check of manuscript for adherence to formal requirements (formatting standards) and a check for unoriginal text in the manuscript using a plagiarism detection system subscribed to by the university. Additionally, the journal uses a mandatory double-blind peer review system. The editorial team makes final decision regarding publication based on the checking results.

Activation: Electronic versions of the scientific journal are submitted to the National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation JSC for the establishment of a repository and inclusion in the digital library. The journal also archives its materials on Elibrary.ru.

Open access policy. The journal's articles are directly available to everyone (link to the articles archive http://3i.ksu.edu.kz/) based on the principle that free open access to research findings contributes to an increase in general knowledge.

Prepared by: K. Shalgimbekova, editorial team secretary

Tel.: 8 (7142) 53-01-86