
  • Islamgaliyeva Victoriya Zhanabayevna K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University
  • Zhuminova Aizhanna Bulekbayevna Turan University
  • Smagulova Farida Bissengaliyevna K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University



digital transformation, higher education, didactics, transformational processes, IT-education, information, personality, competence


The presented article reveals innovative educational solutions in digital pedagogy. Since 2018, the Digital Kazakhstan system has been in operation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, focusing on five main areas: digitalization of economic sectors, transition to a digital government, implementation of the Digital Silk Road initiative, development of human capital, and creation of an innovative ecosystem. Within the education system, the emphasis is placed on the prioritized direction of human capital development. The main purpose of article is to present the results of a pedagogical research dedicated to the "Digital Pedagogy: Ways of Innovative Solutions." As part of the study, the following objectives were set: to define key concepts and theoretical aspects of digital pedagogy, explore modern approaches to integrating digital technologies into the educational process, describe the benefits and challenges associated with their application, analyze examples of successful use of digital educational technologies, and identify prospects for the development of digital pedagogy as a tool for innovative education.The main materials for the study were scientific and theoretical information, university accounting documentation, forms with respondents' answers obtained during socio-pedagogical diagnostics. The research methods include analysis of psychological, pedagogical, socio-economic, and technical literature related to the research topic, as well as comparative and system-structural analysis. In addition, a sociological survey and questionnaire were conducted. The results include a description of the transformational processes occurring in the higher education system, a terminological glossary encompassing concepts related to digital pedagogy, and findings from a sociological survey conducted among students and faculty members of the pedagogical department of the K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University.

Author Biographies

  • Islamgaliyeva Victoriya Zhanabayevna, K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian philology and intercultural communication

  • Zhuminova Aizhanna Bulekbayevna, Turan University

    Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

  • Smagulova Farida Bissengaliyevna, K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

    Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Lecturer of the Department of Russian philology and intercultural communication

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